Tá Todo Mundo Louco, Oba!

Um super clip de Jornada nas Estrelas envolvendo
seus momentos mais lisérgicos...rs
Hilário!!! A música não poderia ser mais perfeita:
White Rabbit - Jefferson Airplane.

Eu gostei tanto desse clip que vou legendar.
Aguardem! :D

Atualizado [2]
Foi-se o áudio original

As you may have noticed, youtube took down this vid due to "copyright claims" earlier this year. I've decided to use youtube's audio-swap option (and chosen "Revolution Song" with irony in mind) to perhaps make more of you aware of this. This is obviously not the vid as it's intended, but you can find the original over here: http://starcrossedgirl.livejournal.co...

I was unable to reupload the video sooner, as I'd thought it lost in a harddrive crash and only recently recovered the original file, so my apologies for that.

Thanks to everyone who wrote to me expressing unhappiness/sympathy at youtube pulling my vid, it is greatly appreciated. Further thanks to anyone who favourited this vid in the past or left feedback for it - all of it made me very happy.

(Original description:
A comedy crackvid about the TOS crew (mainly Kirk, Spock & McCoy) to Jefferson Airplane's "White Rabbit". In no way am I implying anything about their use of mind-altering substances. *cough*wellmaybealittle*cough*)

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